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Valve Cover Gasket Buna Nitrile Spitfire MG Midget 1500


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Tired of your Valve cover gasket always having a slight weep to them over time? With the high heat of engines it can dry out the stock cork or rubber style gaskets. And with high performance engine that create high crankcase pressures it can blow out your stock gaskets. No more, here are premium uprated high temperature Buna Nitrile cover gaskets that will take care of all those problems. These molded Buna Nitrile gaskets provide for ease of installation, and are great for on again and off again situations with no need to scrape or try to apply sealer. Simply make sure the tappet cover is clean and free of any old gasket material, install the your new high temperature silicon gasket and torque bolt to stock spec and you will be leak free. Need to remove the cover, no problem. Simply wash the high temperature gasket it soapy water, dry and instal.  Silicone JM261, JM261P