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Convertible Top Stayfast MGB 63 to 70 Stow-Away Robbins


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This is a Convertible Top for the MGB 1963 to 1970 with Three windows, the large middle window (zips down option if chosen) , in the Haartz Stayfast 36 oz Cloth. The snaps for this top are included but not installed. Haartz Stayfast has a canvas outer layer and a preshrunk cotton inner layer which is visible on the inside of the top. The two are bonded with and separated by a butyl rubber core which give the top is flexibility and helps the the fabric last a very long time, with both better static and dynamic wear ratings than vinyl toppings. By choosing a canvas top it does give your MGB a richer look than vinyl and is slightly easier to put up and down in different temperatures. All the seams are heat-sealed from the outside, and stitched and heat-sealed from the inside for a tight water proof seal. Plus the convertible top materials are mildew and mold resistant, and UV treated for color fastness. The plastic windows are DOT rated heavy 40 gage vinyl for a long life of clear vision. No sewing is required but you will need; Pop rivet gun, philips screw driver, contact cement, 1/8 inch rivets and a snap tool to squeeze the snaps together. Robbins is committed to manufacturing high quality convertible tops and tonneau covers which offer long term value British car owners and have been the leader is Convertible top innovations since 1943. Click on the pictures of the color to get a look at the grain and the color of the top.