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Tie Rod Inner TR4A, TR250, TR6


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This is the Inner Tie Rod for a the Triumph TR4A, Triumph TR250 and Triumph TR6. Unavailable for many years these inner tie rods are now back. You now will be able to replace these fragile pieces on your Triumph TR4A, Triumph TR250 and Triumph TR6. Made like original with a forged shaft and threaded on the outer end which the outer tie rod screws on. The inner tie rod on your Triumph can be bent very easily if you a curb or a pot hole in the road at an angle. The design of the inner tie rod needs to have a large amount of movement, which means it needs to have a taper right before the ball for complete movement. This allows angular movement of the steering when the steering wheel is turned and the suspension moves up and down. But this is a small area that can be easily bent if a strong force and popping a curb happens. It is a good idea once a year to pull back the steering rack boots and inspect. As you know steering is a very important part of driving and you should keep and eye on it. Cross Reference 667-220, 142687