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Brake Shoe Spring Kit Lucas TR7 77 to 81, TR8


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Lucas has produced the most complete rear brake shoe spring and retainer kit that is on the market today for the Triumph TR7 1977 to 1981 and Triumph TR8 All Years. This kit includes; 1 Left Hand Upper Pull off Spring AAU6241, 1 Right Hand Upper Pull off Spring AAU6242, 2 Lower Pull off Springs AAU6247, 2 Middle Double Coil Pull off Springs AAU2210, 4 Brake Shoe Retaining Pins 518724, 4 Brake Shoe Retaining Springs 606747A, 4 Brake Shoe Retaining Spring Cups 27H8426. Over time the springs loose their tension from the heating up and cooling off of the shoes, with this new spring kit it will complete your rear brake job.