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Ball Joint Upper TR4A to TR6


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The Ball joints on your Triumph TR4A to TR6 are an important component of suspension and steering system. They attach to the suspension upright, which the wheel and tire are mounted to and the rest of the suspension. A Ball Joint is the connection point on your Triumph TR4A to TR6 and needs to be able to rotate left and right for steering and up and down for suspension travel and shock absorption, so it is very important that the ball joints that can move smoothly in all directions. While ball joints last for a long time, they do wear because they are carrying the entire weight of the Triumph TR4A to TR6. A highly polished metal ball rides in a very strong polished metal seat which gives a large range of movement. This area is filled with grease to reduce wear and keep the operation of the ball joint working well. However, if the grease is able to leak out of the ball joint or any dirt and road grime get into the grease, the ball joint will be come worn and damaged. There is a rubber boot over the joint to help keep dirt out, but overtime grit will enter the joint. But if a ball joint boot is torn, dirt will get into the joint and damage will start immediately and the ball joint should be replaced. Alway check your Ball Joints on your Triumph TR4A to TR6 when your are changing the fluids in your car or lubricating other joints, as the Ball Joints are a lube point on most vehicles. Worn ball joints will affect the Triumph's TR4A to TR6 steering. This can happen in a number of different ways, usually making the steering sloppy or very stiff. Excessively worn ball joints can break, causing the suspension to collapse and you can image what would happen next. However, proper inspection and servicing of your Triumph TR4A to TR6 will give you a long ball joint life and any indications that the ball joint is bad long before a failure occurs. Cross Ref. #109255, 142394, 661-080, QSJ100